holy india.

india travel

i’m quite certain we’ll never be able to accurately describe day one in delhi, a city of 22 million.
the contradicting emotions we felt, the things we saw, the food we tasted, the cultural differences we observed and endured, the people we met and new things we learned.
today was unlike any other day in my life. d’s life. that, i know for a fact.
we’re exhilerated and exhausted, but excited for more.

 india travel india travel
sporting another loaner robe (floral, which i much preferred) at the only mosque in india that allows women to enter

delhi, india
colorful crumbling buildings as far as you can see through the pollution filled sky.

india travel
danny with dilil (said: dee-leep), our wonderful indian guide turned friend.
india travel
the sights, sounds & smells of the sunday market are a true sensory overload.
it’s everything from snake charmers and incense sellers to people bathing and buying wedding dresses.

india travel
sidewalk barbershops & shaves going on everywhere

india travel
it’s estimated there are 1 million tuk tuks in the city of delhi alone.

travel to delhi indiaindia travel
flowers for hindu offerings
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we’ve never been more aware that we’re white, i’m blonde and a woman. the stares, interest & photo-taking are constant.
travel to delhi india
the red fort in old delhi.

travel to delhi india
these pups picked gandhi park to live at. not a bad choice.
travel to delhi india  delhi, india
we’re in the capital city of india and saw about 40 monkeys cruising the streets. casual.

travel in india P1180366
view from the muslim mosque tower with the red fort in the background

want more on india? as soon as we collect our thoughts, there will be lots to come.
until then, we enjoyed these interesting facts about the country: read here.


  • Reply February 9, 2014

    Erica Newton

    This is fascinating!! I’ve heard stories about traveling in India. Are you in one of the states where alcohol is banned? How’s the food?? Yum! And yes, the floral loaner robe is much more on trend;)

  • Reply February 17, 2014

    Johanna Parker

    Hello! I’m a new follower and LOVE your blog! I’m Mary Beth’s daughter in law and I graduated with Tricia. I wonder if they thought you were famous when they wanted pictures with you guys:)
    Can’t wait to see your posts when you’re in Taiwan, that is where my mom is from. This is truly a trip of a lifetime!

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