colby + jake.

a glimpse into october 1, 2011. the day colby and jake said i do at the hotel palomar in downtown san diego.

us maids were busy bees so my camera took a backseat to the bride and our duties, but here’s a look at the wonderful day from start to finish. it couldn’t have been more perfect.

{woke up to blue skies and a gorgeous view of san diego. not a bit of morning fog}
{hair and make-up started at 9 a.m.}
{not a cloud in the sky}
{approval of each girl’s hair in the bridal suite}
{lisa showing off her bun}
{some of the centerpieces completed the day before}
{me working on the “Chanel” seating board}
{finishing touches}
{getting the decor organized to be sent to the ceremony site and ballroom}
{three maids}
{the bride getting gussied up}
{that’s a serious amount of make-up}
{controlled chaos}
{in our matching maxi dresses from the bride}
{stephanie’s earrings served as both mine and colby’s “something borrowed” – love it}
{my favorite photo from the whole weekend. love you can see her other side in the mirror}
{with her stepmom jody}
{jake opening his wedding day gift from the glowing bride}
{calming the nerves}
{hiding the bride up until 5:30 p.m.}
{she must have heard a song she liked}
{bridesmaid bouquets wrapped in lace and buttons. amazing chocolate cozmos}
{dad dwayne walking his oldest daughter down the aisle}
{jake reading his vows}
{with this ring, i thee wed}
{officially mr. & mrs. bentley!}
{the men folk}
{donna’s new bangin’ look}
{the boys’ cigar cabana during cocktail hour}
{maids each in a necklace handpicked by the bride}
{bride and grooms grand entrance with glowstick wands}
{straight to the dance floor}
{first dance to “your song” by elton john}
{the sweethearts}
{double dutch dancing}
{more jumprope during the hot, sweaty dance party}
{the crowd going crazy for DJ Jacolby}
{club bentley}
{ting and jake}
{big sis/lil sis}
{impromptu champagne ice bucket arrangement on the bar}
{i think ting just took down a slice of red velvet wedding cake}
lots more to come of our first night in san diego, wedding preparation and the rooftop rehearsal dinner.

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