To India With Love (+ video).

{above: video highlights from our incredible india adventure. can’t view? click here.}

Dear, India:

You’re colorful. You’re intense. You’re frustrating. You’re home to some of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen with my own two eyes, but you’re also home to some of the dirtiest and saddest ways I’ve ever witnessed.

Before we booked our tickets, we read a lot about you. What to expect of you. How to make the best first impression. There were common phrases: too tough to travel, exhausting and the repetitive piece of advice: if you’re going to go, you’ve just got to surrender.

With this in mind, we charged into your arms with an open-mind and open-heart and immediately found ourselves repeating this new mantra: just surrender.

We wanted to question everything. Why??? Huh??? No!!!?? But when we did, we got frustrated and angry and you didn’t seem to understand why. So again, we were forced to surrender to your ways and let you just kept on doing your India thing.

Each day with you was a new set of sights, sounds and challenges. You were an in-your-face sensory overload. We woke each day refreshed and ready, but crashed each night exhausted and puzzled. Sometimes it felt like an abusive relationship, and just when we thought we couldn’t take it anymore, you’d hug us back with your grand palaces and big brown-eyed smiles and we’d be hooked again. You’ve got that power on people.

India, you’re unwavering in who you are and what you believe in. It’s clear you’re not going to change for anyone – especially us. That’s what makes you Incredible India, unlike anything else in the whole world.

You’re a relationship we’ll never regret or forget. We’re so glad we met. Like all relationships that must come to an end, there’s no doubt you touched our lives forever. I’m sure that the impact of our time together won’t be fully realized for months, even years, to come. Without a doubt the full effect of our relationship will slowly seep into our subconscious and make us smile, laugh and cry when thoughts are triggered in the future.

With love xx
Sir Danny and Madame Teri

post office in india {the official india post office in jaipur}

india… that’s a wrap.

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