where does the time go?

When you have a blog, it’s much easier to answer that question…

Well folks, it’s been a year since the Tale of Two Tings started. Hard to believe, huh? I toyed with the idea of blogging for months before I decided to take the plunge. I’m so glad I did. The response from our  friends and family has been overwhelmingly positive and I love having a digital diary of our life. There have been so many times we’ve gone back to the blog to clarify something, confirm the timing of an event, etc.

While it’s fun to document and share the fun stuff, one of the things I’ve loved most about having this blog is the support we’ve received when we’ve needed it most. Each time I opened up about bad days or tough times, sweet messages flooded in with people supporting us and thanking me for sharing. Very shortly after the blog launched, Miss Sydney got sick and we chronicled her journey. Without the blog, I think her battle and death would have been even harder than it was. The Tale of Two Tings kept our friends and family in the know and the outpouring of support via email, text, blog comments and calls was incredible.

If you’ve thought about writing a blog but haven’t done it yet, do it. Sure, it’s a little nerve wracking at first. You worry about the inevitable typos, being public about your life, wondering if anyone will actually care or read what you put out into the universe… but it’s all worth it. Make your blog what you want it to be. Promote it as much or as little as you want. It’s a wonderful creative outlet and it’s all yours. There are no deadlines and no approval process. The best part is that it’s a great way to document this crazy thing called life and it serves as a wonderful reminder of all the good things we have to be thankful for.

So, thanks for reading. Thanks for your kind comments and thanks for following along.

Teri (& Ting)

p.s. If you’re not an official follower, I’d love for you to take a second and subscribe. And if you are a follower, don’t be shy. It’s fun to hear your feedback and know who’s reading.

{photo taken in 2008 by my big brother at taylor design & photography}

1 Comment

  • Reply June 25, 2011

    hilary Kobernik

    I love, love, love your blog! Get good shopping ideas, new iTunes downloads, great recipes, trip advice… Thank you for starting it :)

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