get well soon, please.

We really are creatures of habit. And while I’m not adverse to change, my daily routine has been thrown for a loop and it’s definitely an adjustment.

You see, last week one of my dear girlfriends, Angela, went in for a pretty routine procedure and the days following, our conversations went something like this…

me: “hi dude, how are you feeling?”
her day 1: “hi, i’m pretty good. just kinda tired. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
her day 2: “well, i feel like i’m walking around with a bowling ball on my head. i’m going to stay home.”
her day 3: “hi t, i don’t want to totally freak you out by i’m gonna head to the hospital.”
her day 4: “i’m in ICU and they found blood on my brain.”

Crazy, right? I know! It’s been a crazy week and the Tings (along with Angela’s amazing network of friends and family) have been thinking about her non-stop. It’s an awful thing to see your friend in a hospital bed. You feel so helpless and hate knowing they’re miserable. The “Tings Traveling Road Show” have visited and tried to entertain the best way we know how which included some humor, Devotchka, coffee and a little hospital room remodel.

The good great news is that Angela is finally home, and all things considered, is doing pretty well. She’s on strict bed rest until her headache completely subsides and they get to the bottom of the things. The bad (and selfish) news is that her absence from work has completely thrown my daily routine for a loop… no breakfast buddy (coffee, english muffin, banana and peanut butter) or “night before” recaps, no workout partner (this is its own set of routines), no lunch pal to wait in the salad line while the other makes drinks – her lots of ice, me a little ice), I’m not dialing x681 all day long, no linked looks and so much more. You know the thing I’ve missed the most? Laughing – a whole lot. Do you realize how much we laugh together? I do now.
Bottom line, I miss you my friend. Can’t wait for our hot date tonight. Get excited, Aunt Chilada!

1 Comment

  • Reply May 23, 2011

    La La

    awww. just stumbled across this post again today. truly lucky to have you, girlfriend. super lucky. it’s that simple. xo

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