wedding rehearsals, BBQs and the ultimate fruit platter.

we arrived back in the usa just in the nick of time for my little brother’s wedding weekend. we landed in LAX at 10pm and by the next afternoon we were in san diego performing bridal party duties at the rehearsal walk-through followed by dinner and a night out with the bride and groom. and just as our jet lagged bodies were falling asleep the next morning, our alarms went off and we were up for groomsmen golf and bridesmaid beauty prep. it was a jam-packed memorial day weekend that had us diving right back into life, but we wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

these two have been togetherĀ foreverĀ and it was so fun to see them all grown up and making it official.

P1220793jet lagged us with the bride & groom at their welcome bbq.
prewed1more pre wedprewed2P1220694
no no no… the welcome bbq wasn’t on a cruise ship although this fruit display may suggest that. that’s the “fruit platter” my mother brought to the memorial day wedding bbq. super casual. i don’t think i’ve laughed that hard in a really long time.



1 Comment

  • Reply June 30, 2014

    Erica Newton

    bahahahhaha!!! the fruit platter comment made me laugh so hard! How long did that take her to make?! Impressive!!

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