million dollar baby.

Like Syd’s new nickname? 

Over the weekend, Syd took a turn for the worse so thank goodness Danny was home. She lost vision in her right eye, couldn’t balance and was too weak to stand. Long story short, she was in the ER all weekend where they did another risky blood transfusion. 

Earlier today, Danny was with her at the specialist’s office (an internist) who did another series of blood tests and ultra sounds. Good news? Her levels are up from where they were this weekend. Bad news? Her levels are dropping from where they were after the transfusion. So, we’ve switched up her meds and are using all kinds of holistic methods to boost her immune system and get her well! 

Danny’s been making her homemade liver, beef, salmon and chicken along with rice and fresh greens – spinach, beans, kelp and broccoli plus lots of vitamins. Both her and Hunter (who’s getting so fat from all of this & no exercise) love it. He’s seriously the best dad ever. 

{sydney’s pharmacy on our kitchen island. this is not a joke.}

{hunter pouting this morning when danny left with syd for her appointment. see the treat next to his paw? he won’t eat when she’s gone. not even treats. so sad}

{our little million dollar baby. such a trooper}

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