one thing at a time.

Deep breaths. Its been a busy few weeks and there’s lots more ahead. It’s mostly fun stuff, but I’ve still found myself getting pretty overwhelmed. To stay sane, I’m trying to only focus on the current task at hand. Today, that’s my job – lots to do.

But before I dive into all things public relations, I figured I’d work on a quick blog update.

Let’s see… Seattle was great. It really was. Kerry’s service was beautiful and it was absolutely a celebration of her life. It was neat hearing so many people talk about the ways Kerry’s inspired them over the years. In addition to the memorial, it was nice to spend quality time with Shmer, Dyllan (the easiest and cutest baby in the world), Dan and Colby. The weather couldn’t have been more gorgeous so we got lots of lake time in. More about that trip (and photos) coming real soon.

Unfortunately, at the last minute Danny wasn’t able to make the trip with me. He had to make a parental decision and stay home with Syd. While Grandma & Grandpa Bockting were watching the kids last weekend, Syd’s back legs started to bother her. She started limping around and then her hind legs would completely give out and she’d just collapse to the ground. Afraid she may have had a stroke, she was raced to the vet but he assured us it wasn’t that. Between her recent blood transfusion, still going through steroid treatments and now the leg thing, Danny didn’t feel comfortable leaving her behind (understandable).

So now what? Well, she had some more blood work done and her levels are stable and we’re hoping to see them start to increase this week. As for her legs/hips (the new major concern) research shows that disc issues are pretty common in French Bulldogs due to their build so we’re exploring our options and next steps (x-rays, MRIs, etc.). Over the weekend, she was really hurting so we’ve decided to seek a second opinion and have an appointment on Wednesday morning. Hopefully we’ll have some answers soon. Stay tuned…

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