we’re back in action! adventure & blog action!



are you as shocked as i am to be reading this? no, it’s not an illusion. pico iyer is no longer helping me define being home ;) were you so sick of that post? ha.

well, at this point, i’m not even going to attempt to recap 2015 (it was a doozy!) but rather be present and focus on where i am at the moment. so with that notion, the tings are coming to you live from the admirals lounge at DFW airport! i’ve got a frosty beer in my hand, my backpack sitting next to me, d doodling in his notebook and the blog open for the first time this year. it. feels. good. 

since our return from our first big backpacking trip (here), we’ve been craving another adventure. we desperately missed the weight of our backpacks on our shoulders, the feeling of the unknown, all of our senses being flipped on and just pure contentment. and like all things, it wasn’t really until we were back in the real world that we truly grasped how special that time was.

so we talked about hitting the road again – a lot. we daydreamed about where we’d want to go, for how long, and how we could make it work. so with really rough answers to each of those questions, a couple months ago (after a few glasses of wine and a giant plate of nachos), we booked a one-way ticket to central america. the two months since have been a ride of, “what the hell were we thinking?” and “this is the only way to make things happen.” and both are true, but here we are. on the brink of another adventure, so i’m happy.

so far, everything about this trip feels a lot different. it’s like visiting an old friend, you just pick up where you left off. less effort/anxiety/planning this time. preparation was like second nature. we knew what to pack, what to leave at home, the home check list to conquer and we were out the door this morning without any trepidation. all excitement, no nerves.

what’s the plan you’re asking? good question. you’ll probably find out alongside of us. as of now, we’re thinking at least a couple months on the road. we’ve got two weeks sorted out in costa rica, plans to explore panama and perhaps a jaunt to colombia. our goal? get back to our center. do yoga. surf. meditate. chill the eff out and just be.

it’s time for our flight into san jose, costa rice so i’m off for now but hope to be back soon! xx tb



  • Reply December 1, 2015

    Dougie p

    What great news! Happy for you guys. Practica tu espanol!

  • Reply December 1, 2015

    Erica Newton

    Looooovvvveee this!!! Woohoo! I think I’m just as excited for this adventure as you are!! Is that possible?! Have fun guys!!

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