Do It Yourself

wedding DIY nights.

we just completed DIY night 2 / 3 for angela & nick’s upcoming nuptials. i hosted the first one and alicia the second, but the…

diy bedroom makeover.

it was one of those rare – but awesome – weekends when we didn’t have anything on the calendar. not a single obligation. we…

DIY tutorial: clip-in hair extensions.

let’s be real. when you see a celebrity or a girl walking down the street with a long luscious mane, there’s a def a chance she’s…

first stitch sewing class.

although i grew up sewing with my mom, i haven’t touched a sewing machine in my adult life. a few years ago, my mother-in-law…

DIY tutorial: flower crowns.

the spring weather means festival season is right around the corner. with coachella only 50 days away, i’ve started making accessories for me and my…

bracelet making machine.

this time last year i started making friendship bracelets again (again, as in since i used to in the sixth grade). i made bunches…

saturday crafternoon.

on saturday afternoon my girlfriend stephanie hosted her first “crafternoon” (love the name!) and i hope it’s not the last. similar to this “pinterest…

a sassy saturday with steph.

my girlfriend stephanie and i spent saturday afternoon lunching & craft shopping. she needed fabric for her daughter’s upcoming 2nd birthday party so we…

hummus. the homemade way.

homemade garlic hummus the tings love us some hummus. its a go-to snack around our home but we can polish off a little $5…

all pinned up.

bobbi pins are a staple in my life. i can’t live without them. i use them daily. i’m loving the fancy pins i’ve been…

a holly jolly christmas season.

it’s been such a fun and festive december. we’ve had a jam-packed holiday social calendar. it totally feels like the holidays.   the month…


about a month ago i decided to turn art inspiration into a reality. remember this post? well, i loved the personal photo collage piece…

a pinterest party.

over the weekend i joined some other DIY lovin’ ladies for a “pinterest party” at a friend’s house.  being the first one, the concept…

a bookshelf of memories.

growing up we had bookshelves of family photo albums in our living room. you know, the big brown binder kind with the pull away…

DIY dudes.

men love to gripe about all things wedding related*, but when it comes down to it, the good ones are willing to roll up…

a thousand pounds of cardboard.

When you’re building anything from IKEA it feels like you’re surrounded by cardboard. Now, imagine building an entire IKEA kitchen – not once… but twice. That’s…

wedding soaked brain.

I sometimes forget that not everyone is a 20-something girl who’s really into weddings and blogs. I falsely assume that everyone knows what an…

homemade art.

With all the fun vintage toy cameras and photography apps out there, pretty much everyone feels like a mini photog these days (sorry to…

it’s always something.

I’m kind of a mess. I think I hide it well, but Danny’s onto me. We’re constantly laughing at my klutzy ways – bumping…

friendship bracelets.

If you’ve been around me and Ting lately, you’ve noticed our friendship bracelets. Yup, the kind that you made and wore in elementary school….

tick tock.

You didn’t know? I’m married to a watch repair man. Well, not really. It’s just another one of his many talents. sweet head lamp.

feeling traditional.

When we had the brick columns built for the white picket fence in our front yard (seen here), we decided to carry the brick…

my iMovie debut : Coachella 2011

I love taking photos and videos. I love capturing moments (especially since my husband’s memory is sub-par). But let’s be real, what do you…

french-ship bracelets.

{i love this photo of hunter modeling one of my latest diy obsessions – friendship bracelets} yesterday, huntie’s Paw Play teacher “miss barbara” was…

scarf twins.

I mentioned to my mom that I was in the market for a super long, mustard yellow scarf. Sure enough, over the weekend a…

wedding DIY weekend.

This past weekend’s extra rainy weather was the perfect backdrop for working on wedding projects with Colby. A few months ago she booked a…

green thumb.

My mom is an avid gardener – vegetables, flowers, fruits… you name it, she can grow it. She’s pretty organic, has her own compost…

hot chicks & jam.

JAM, a new & unique boutique in Scottsdale hosted its Grand Opening last Friday night. In their words, JAM is a creative venue bringing…

diy necklace boards.

Last weekend, I was in the mood for a DIY (do it yourself) project. My necklaces tend to be a big tangled mess or…

conquering the wedding album.

I’m one of those “I can make that” people. I love crafts. I like seeing an idea and trying to create it own my own. This…

handy hubby.

Some of our weekends are fun and relaxing and some are spent getting things done (especially when you remodel a house yourself). This was…