French Bulldogs

hunter + sydney

mr. munch turns TEN!

december 28, 2015 today is mr. hunter’s TENTH birthday!  crazy that we’ve been pet parents for 10 years! the history of hunter found here…

teri and danny bockting

the sunday times.

lazy days. card games. beers. fruit bars. free french bulldog entertainment.

french bulldogs of the world cup


and so does this patriotic pooch. USA! USA! USA!  we’ll be rooting today… you? and no, we’re not typically soccer fans. in fact, i…

cute french bulldog family

reunited & it feels so good.

…now in my dreams… we’d see each other for the first time in almost six months and his eyes would get wide, his ears…

french bulldog

missing our mr. munch.

we miss hunter so much. if you’ve ever hung out with us, you know that we have a distinct voice for huntie and talk…

french bulldog

happy birthday, hunter man.

like any mom, i had visions of a cute family photo to commemorate hunter’s 8th birthday today. and like any mom, that vision didn’t…

french bulldog

look at that little face.

hunter and i were looking extra preppy at work & my little dude was being needy for his mama. i don’t mind it for…

watch out for dem jumpin’ cactus.

how beautiful is this? it’s about 5 minutes east of danny’s parents house. pretty nuts. we’ve never explored the rincon mountains or these various…

willo historic district

nighttime family walks.

see my guys up there? fall temps mean that our nightly family walks can be more than just a short block. time to get this…

french bulldog

mr. bubba munch.

we manage to come up with completely ridiculous names for hunter. there’s been mister pants, monster… i guess nicknames are supposed to be silly,…

double smashed face trouble.

we’re watching mr. milo for a week, and are glad to return the favor. hunter is a regular over at milo’s house, so it’s fun…

sunday snoozin’.

before he could even fully recover from coachella, danny was off to a bachelor party last weekend. trooper. the guys were celebrating angela’s fiance,…

my little sun chaser.

as the afternoon sun pours into our living room, hunter moves from spot to spot to make sure he’s in the light. just like his…

our little french bully.

it’s monday night which means the boys are off to “training.” that’s right. our seven year old french bulldog is in doggy school. and to add…

take your pooch to work day.

i saw an (almost) meeting free day on my calendar & decided it’d be the chance for huntie to join me at the office….

sunday snuggles.

mr. man is being super needy for mama today.  can’t get close enough in the nook of my legs.  not gonna lie, i totally…

all about dad.

hunter’s usually a mama’s boy, but lately he’s been all about his dad. he follows danny around everywhere, sleeps on his side of the…

warby parker for pooches?

introducing, the newest model for warby parker‘s line just for pooches… hunter badass bockting. why is personifying animals so funny? it just is. we’re…

hunter the frenchie swampin’.

a terabyte is a humungo amount of digital memory. ahead of megabytes & gigabytes – it’s one trillion bytes of storage. and you know…

neighborhood watch.

i posted this photo on facebook a couple of weeks ago, but i love it so much it gets to be on the blog. our…

summer shedder.

do you have a dog that sheds? we do. oh, and he’s white and we have dark hardwood floor. it’s a winning combo. our…

frenchie freak-outs.

at home, hunter is the best dog in the world. out in public… it’s a crap shoot. the guy is on edge all. the….

my sweet prince.

some photos of me and my furry valentine.excuse the blur. my valentine was more interested in finding his tennis ball than cuddling his mom….

the many faces of our frenchie.

our little man has probably had his photo taken more times in his six years than some people’s entire lives (his mom is a…

happy sixth birthday, hunter.

you’re one badass pooch & deserve all the treats in the world today. all the reasons we love huntie here in last year’s birthday post.

oh the weather outside is delightful.

it’s perfectly crisp and wintery by phoenix standards. our nightly ritual of late has included bundling up and cruising the hood to enjoy the…

hostess gift idea.

“those who love me love my dog.” that quote is so true, huh? i think a fun and unique hostess gift idea this holiday season…

omg, so freakin’ cute.

my girlfriend lacey jaye just sent me a little halloween message with this photo…. freakin’ adorable. i love it. i do have to say…

i love this kid.

h is for huntie and for heart… which makes sense because he’s got a big chunk of mine. he was being super silly and…

that can’t be comfortable.

Hunter has found a new spot in my car – the tiny center console. It requires some balancing skill which he demonstrated on our…

missing our furry creature.

it’s been a whole week since i’ve seen my little gremlin. he spent the past week in tucson with mimz (vicky’s new grandma name) and b-joe since we were out…

huntie & friends.

Randomly we’ll get photos and videos from Hunter’s Paw Play teacher “Miss Barbara.” It’s always a fun treat in the middle of the work day to…

handsome little devil.

we’re back from a great weekend in minneapolis and happy to be home with this little man.check out hunter modeling his new leather collar….

just a dog – a poem.

  From time to time, people tell me, “lighten up, it’s just a dog,” or “that’s a lot of money for just a dog.” …

hunter the handypup.

we were out and about this weekend with huntie when danny remembered he needed to have a piece of wood cut at Home Depot….

trend watch.

While flipping through a recent issue of Us Weekly I cringed a little when I saw the latest trend included French Bulldogs. Ugh. Don’t get me…

french decor.

Late last year we fell in love with and purchased two prints on Etsy (from different designers). They seemed perfect for our family. After…

hog happy.

while we were on vacation in san diego, hunter was in tucson and found a new way to have fun and stay cool –…

double scoop date.

When it’s brutally hot out, eating big meals just isn’t fun. So last Friday’s hot date was happy hour cocktails & clams followed by…

sweet lil look.

While reading in bed the other night, I turned to see Huntie giving me this sweet look. It startled me since it’s the same look Sydney…

happy vibes.

Phoenix’s forecast for the weekend averages 114 degrees with a low of 91. Yuck.  Thank goodness we’re on the first flight out tomorrow to…


Huntie’s been a weirdo lately. I don’t know what his deal is but he’s acting funny and strange. One of his new things is not…

elvis dog.

this is hunter’s new “thing” – the elvis look. or, “i’m so badass” look. we don’t know exactly why or how he keeps doing this, but…

a happy hog.

Spring has put up a solid fight this year. While the weekday temps have been reaching the high 90’s lately, we’ve been blessed with glorious…

french-ship bracelets.

{i love this photo of hunter modeling one of my latest diy obsessions – friendship bracelets} yesterday, huntie’s Paw Play teacher “miss barbara” was…

french pajamas.

A while ago, a surprise package showed up on my doorstep and I just happened to be on the phone with the sender –…

ain’t that the truth.

If you’re those dog people (like us) then you probably love this quote as well. How true is that? I was reading an interview with…

just a walk in the park.

our little family enjoying a sunday stroll through the neighborhood. this was probably one of the last cold and crisp weekends we’ll have in…

scarf twins.

I mentioned to my mom that I was in the market for a super long, mustard yellow scarf. Sure enough, over the weekend a…

the spikes.

This is what happens when Danny gets Hunter ready for Paw Play – a huge spike collar. I hate it. It’s heavy. It’s impossible to…

for pet owners: the comfy cone.

There’s nothing more heartbreaking than watching your pet try to acclimate to a hard, plastic cone (seen here and here). Chances are, they’ve probably…


Thank goodness for dogs. When everyone else had exiled me to quarantine in the back bedroom this weekend, I could count on my little…

thinking of our little lady today.

Happy 4th Birthday Miss Sydney! We’re all thinking about you today. In fact, Huntie has been playing lots with your yellow soccer ball this…

little miss layla.

While in San Diego, Danny and I had the chance to catch up with Lacey Jaye and her adorable little Layla, a beautiful cream…

happy 5th birthday, hunterman.

we’re in california this week, so we celebrated early with our little man. doesn’t he just look so excited to be in a hat?…


I got home from work last night to find my men enjoying a fire together. Hunter loves the warmth on his coat. So cute.

deck the halls.

Our perfect lil tree is trimmed.   It’s funny how our tree and it’s ornaments are kinda like us… a mix of old and new,…

two peas in a pod.

It’s no secret that B-Joe (Danny’s dad) thinks Huntie is the bees knees. The cat frenchie is out of the bag. The in-laws have…

almost better.

Still a little pink, but Huntie’s nose job is healing quite well. We can already tell a big difference with his breathing and we’re…

style has gone to the dogs.

Right now I really wish we lived somewhere cold. While on Etsy, I bumped into the most adorable winter wear for dogs. I may have to use…


The furry member of our family has gotten a little ridiculous with begging and his treat obsession. He has no shame when it comes…

a hunterman update.

Hunterman is home from his teeth cleaning and nose surgery and doing just fine. He weighed in at a whopping 31-pounds and passed his…

hunter gets denchers & a nose job.

Well, not really. But he’s with Dr. B today for a teeth cleaning and to have a little surgery done on his nose. For many reasons,…

signs of sydney.

The past few days I’ve been thinking a lot about Sydney. My girlfriend Jenny put the biggest smile on my face when she told…

my morning sights.

Each morning I wake up to two cuddly, snoring men and I couldn’t love it more. Yes, our dogs sleep with us. Before we…

angel wings.

Little Miss Sydney had white, wing-shaped markings on her back that we’ve forever called her angel wings. They now make more sense than ever….

wind in the fur.

It’s Thursday – one of Hunter’s Paw Play days. He was timid at first and spent a lot of time playing alone with toys verses…

giving back.

It feels good to give back. We try to do little things. Like using reusable bags at the grocery (yup, we do each time), participating in charity…

the syd’s vids collection.

Thankfully, we have quite a few fun videos starring Miss Sydney. She was our little ham and such a drama queen. Here are some of…

update: first day of school.

Just picked up Huntie from his first day of school and they said he did great, got along with everyone and would loooove to have him…

remembering sydney.

Our sweet little Sydney peacefully passed away on September 8th. For the past 10 weeks she fought a tough battle, but in the end…

one in a million.

Yesterday, Danny flew off to California for work and I took Syd to get her Packed Cell Volumes (PCVs) tested. Despite thinking Syd was…

just another night.

When I started this blog, one of my goals was to capture our everyday life. To take photos around the house when we’re not…

million dollar baby.

Like Syd’s new nickname?  Over the weekend, Syd took a turn for the worse so thank goodness Danny was home. She lost vision in…

oxygen tank.

This morning, Sydney collapsed. Danny raced her to Dr. Ronsoke’s and he suspects that she wasn’t getting enough oxygen to her brain. He admitted…

pins & needles.

Danny and I are really getting a dose of “parenthood worry” these past few weeks with Sydney. Last night, we were talking about how…

one thing at a time.

Deep breaths. Its been a busy few weeks and there’s lots more ahead. It’s mostly fun stuff, but I’ve still found myself getting pretty overwhelmed. To…

le french tote.

Last night, Danny and I were talking about how good Hunter’s been with everything being about Sydney lately. It’s like he just knows that…

sick lil sydney.

We were back at the vet this morning to review Syd’s lab results with Dr. Bracken. Sadly, our little lady has Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia….

sydney’s home away from home.

We were back at the vet this morning with Miss Sydney. She’s super lethargic, won’t eat, has the shakes, is pale and weak. Dr. Bracken…

le cone.

Syd ripped open a surgery incision again. So, after this fix Dr. B sent her home with Le Cone (“Le” because she’s French, duh). She…

sydney’s bloomers.

As we mentioned here, Sydney ripped a stitch so Dr. Bracken wrapped her up in a bloomer with a bow to prevent her from…

cankle queen.

We got home last night to find our dear daughter has a cankle (a cankle is when the calf and ankle blend together as one). Worried it…