
living life.

this couldn’t be more true. it’s something ting and i talk about often. we try to push ourselves individually and as a couple. to put ourselves in…

don’t stop believing.

so much of the holiday season is about believing. for children, it’s believing in santa clause and all the wonder of his magical reindeer…

shallow {but kinda true}.

…well, maybe those late night nachos did after saturday’s beers, biking and wings. happy monday. here’s to a week of working off those weekend splurges!…

this weekend: think about it.

if you feel like tossing your to-do list this weekend – do it. you deserve it. i have a feeling we’ll be “wasting” a…

perfectly appropriate.

just bumped into this and thought it was perfect timing considering it’s our anniversary and all. {found here}

beats and lyrics.

When it comes to music, us and our friends have a thing… you’re either a “beats” or “lyrics” person. My husband and many of…

on our bookshelf

just what the doctor ordered.

it’s been a busy week. tonight called for the couch + my boys + one of my favorite dinners… cheese, crackers, meats, mixed nuts,…

triple feature weekend.

we were quite the movie goers this weekend.  i love being able to reserve our seats online (more about that here). we saw 21…

trend watch.

While flipping through a recent issue of Us Weekly I cringed a little when I saw the latest trend included French Bulldogs. Ugh. Don’t get me…

weekend read.

Have you read Tina Fey’s Bossypants yet? If you love Tina Fey or anything she has a hand in, Saturday Night Live or NBC’s 30 Rock,…

recommended read.

I know I’m a little late, but if you haven’t read The Help yet, I highly recommend it. It’s about black domestic servants working in…

girly reads & movies.

{image from emily giffin} I love to read. So do a lot of my girlfriends, which is nice. We’re usually swapping books and suggesting reads….

new magazine on the rack.

Do you love fashion, interior design, travel & entertaining? Then you must subscribe to what’s guaranteed to be a fabulous new magazine, High Gloss….