
quote of the day.

this quote has been floating around and i really like it. enjoy your weekend.

our (friend) galaxy.

i have this framed in our house and in my cubicle. it’s a nice reminder since our friends are spread out throughout the globe. i hope…

recommended read.

I know I’m a little late, but if you haven’t read The Help yet, I highly recommend it. It’s about black domestic servants working in…

ain’t that the truth.

If you’re those dog people (like us) then you probably love this quote as well. How true is that? I was reading an interview with…

thought of the day.

This is one of our favorite quotes. It just sticks and can apply to everything in your life. Think about it. {photo credit abduzeedo}…husband,…

thought of the day.

Saw this while having some wine at Postino recently (are you starting to catch on that we go here a lot?). We liked it, so I…

on our bookshelf

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