
happy (early) birthday wishes.

Since we’ll be gone this weekend, we’re wishing my sister-in-law Jessica an early Happy Birthday! The official celebration will be this Saturday, but we…

so happy right now.

we just got some really great news. my dad had a little health scare but it looks like the initial test was a false positive. {phew}…

a wild afternoon in san diego.

We only really had one full day in San Diego, so after we picked up Danny’s new mini, we headed to my parents house,…

29 years of love.

happy 29th wedding anniversary mom & dad    thank you for being such wonderful examples of unconditional love. we love you.

we had a really good weekend.

Friday night’s happy hour turned into Jenga game night at the local brewery. I started Saturday with a crazy reformer Pilates class while Danny fixed my…

happy birthday, meme!

Happy 77th Birthday Meme! We love you very much and hope you have a wonderful day.   Pictures from Meme’s 75th Birthday Party hosted by…

happy birthday, tricia.

It’s going to be hard to find a wish for your candles this year… it feels like all of your wishes have come true! …

leprechaun traps.

I remember the first time I said something to Danny about leprechaun traps – he looked at me like I had four heads. “You…

tickled pink.

We spent last night ooing and ahhing over Baby Makaela. Only 9 days old and she’s already stole our hearts. She loves to be…

and baby girl’s name is…

makaela faye Isn’t that such a beautiful, feminine name? I think Tricia and Earl knocked it out of the park. Here’s a peek at princess Makaela’s perfect nursery….

welcome to the world baby girl.

Our hearts filled with love this morning as we welcomed Tricia and Earl’s first baby into the world. Tricia did wonderfully, and as expected,…

scarf twins.

I mentioned to my mom that I was in the market for a super long, mustard yellow scarf. Sure enough, over the weekend a…

the last supper.

Well, kinda. Last night was probably the last supper we’ll have with Tricia before she’s a mama. Yup, less than a week and we…

happy birthday, queen dogg.

As many of you know, I affectionately call my mother-in-law Dogg. It always throws people off a little bit… you call your mother-in-law dogg? Yup! It…

green thumb.

My mom is an avid gardener – vegetables, flowers, fruits… you name it, she can grow it. She’s pretty organic, has her own compost…

jacob’s golden birthday.

It’s Saturday February 12th and Jacob turns 12… it’s my nephew’s golden birthday! I love that I was in high school when Jacob was…

hole in one.

My retired dad and college student brother have the luxury of playing lots of golf. Over the weekend, they were playing a round with a…

barrett jackson boys.

Danny may not have got his dad’s height, but he did inhert his dad’s love of cars. Danny grew up going to car auctions and restoring classics with his…

happy birthday, dad.

Today’s my dad’s birthday. To say I’m a Daddy’s Girl would be an extreme understatement. My dad and I have a very close bond….

tricia’s baby shower.

Saturday was Tricia’s Baby Shower (Danny’s big sister). One of Tricia’s dearest friends, Tiffany, hosted the wonderful shower for almost 40 woman. Vicky and…

recipe for chili relleno casserole

After two weeks apart, we were finally reunited with our little man last night. Oh we missed him so much! We felt bad having…

a very merry california christmas.

On Christmas Eve, we arrived in San Diego for this year’s “official” Christmas with the Schramm Clan. The house was decorated to the nines,…

christmas morning at the bocktings.

Santa brought Christmas early to the Bocktings this year. We woke up in Tucson on Saturday, December 18 to a proper Christmas morning with…

two peas in a pod.

It’s no secret that B-Joe (Danny’s dad) thinks Huntie is the bees knees. The cat frenchie is out of the bag. The in-laws have…

thanksgiving :: take two.

Right when everyone else was finally recovering from Thursday’s massive feast – we were doing it all over again. On Saturday, Tricia and Earl…


…2010 Schramm Family Thanksgiving…   one regular turkey by the girls. one fried turkey by the guys. a whole lot of sides. controlled chaos….

jacob & jayden.

One of the best parts of being at home in California is spending time with our niece Jayden and nephew Jacob. Jacob was born…

movin’ our feet before we eat.

We woke up to a chilly Thanksgiving morning in San Diego. The sun was shinning but the air was crisp and cold. The Schramm…

happy birthday, b-joe.

…today we sing.. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Biiiiirrthday Dear B-Joe, Happy Birthday to You! And many more…” Bummer you…

diva in the making.

Um, check out my sassy little niece, Jayden, on Halloween. Is she not the cutest, girliest kitten you’ve ever seen? Can’t wait to cuddle…


Halloween was pretty mellow for us this year. There was a last minute change in plans and we ended up spending the weekend in…

grandma peggy comes to phoenix.

On Sunday, Grandma Peggy made a very special appearance in Phoenix – her first since Tricia and Earl’s wedding seven years ago! Super spunky…

busy oregon bees.

My parents don’t have a blog but they’re good about sending photos and anecdotal tidbits about their happenings. Currently at our Oregon House, my mom…

uncle d & auntie t.

Let’s kick off the week with some exciting news… Danny’s gonna be an “official” uncle for the very first time. Hooray! His older sister,…

parents, paella & a pig pick-up.

We had a super mellow weekend – it was nice. Friday night we saw The Social Network – and really enjoyed it, have you…

bear down.

The Arizona Wildcats made us proud this weekend! Quite the game.  Danny’s parents were in-town so we went to Tricia & Earl’s house for…

remembering sydney.

Our sweet little Sydney peacefully passed away on September 8th. For the past 10 weeks she fought a tough battle, but in the end…


Well, I’m glad we hung-up on the airlines when we were about to cancel our flights last night because…. we’re saying aloha! Syd’s AIHA prodedure went great, everyone…

one in a million.

Yesterday, Danny flew off to California for work and I took Syd to get her Packed Cell Volumes (PCVs) tested. Despite thinking Syd was…

happy birthday, e.

Wishing our brother-in-law Earl a very happy birthday today!  We hope you have a fantastic weekend with the family in Pinetop. {having some fun…

one thing at a time.

Deep breaths. Its been a busy few weeks and there’s lots more ahead. It’s mostly fun stuff, but I’ve still found myself getting pretty overwhelmed. To…

our piece of the applegate.

Its been a fun-filled few days in Oregon with the Schramm’s – and it’s not over yet (hooray)! The weather has been perfect for…

the oregon trail.

We’re taking on the Oregon trail today. Well not really, but we’re off to Oregon for a summer visit with the Schramm’s… Mom, Dad,…

double whammy wishes.

Big birthday wishes for my beautiful mom Sandy and my little brother Steven! Yup, they share more than their freckles… mom got to deliver a…

wilkommen zuhause!

…That’s “Welcome Home” in German. We made a last minute decision to spend the weekend in Tucson with Danny’s parents. They just returned from…

fourth of july.

Traditions are important. Growing up, the Fourth of July was one of the best traditions. Our entire town would head over to Bradley Park…

growing up.

I can’t believe my nephew Jacob has graduated elementary school and is now a middle schooler – a middle schooler!  I seriously can’t get over…